Tuesday, April 28, 2009

18 months

Our little Maizie is 18 months old today!

Happy 18 month Birthday my little girl.

(This should have been posted yesterday but blogger was having issues)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

8 weeks

It's been exactly 8 weeks since our dossier was logged in at the CCAA in China. 8 weeks...56 days...and no letter of acceptance (LOA) yet. On one hand I cant believe it has been 56 days already..but on the other hand it's been 56 days. I'm starting to go out of my mind!
Ok enough complaining. There is a bright side to 56 days. We are 56 days closer to Maizie. Our LOA can take up to 90 days but lately it's only been taking 60-70 days and someone even got her LOA in...wait for it...56 days. So any day now we could receive our LOA. Once we get that we should travel in a 4-6 weeks. I am hoping to get our LOA by the end of the month. So keep your fingers crossed!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A little of this...a little of that

Wow I am a bad blogger. Not too much has been going on. We are still waiting on our LOA which hopefully will be here this month. After we receive our LOA we will then be waiting on our TA (travel approval) which comes in 2-6 weeks. Once we get out TA we will get our travel dates! I feel like we have been waiting forever. I am so done with the wait. I just want to be in China with my little girl.

A few weeks ago my mom threw us a shower. It was a perfect day. The shower was at my parents country club which is also where we got married so it was nice to have it there. It was a really nice day out. Sunny and in the 50's. Poor Tracy got roped into helping me open gifts while my dad played golf with some of his friends. I told him he could go play but he choose to stay. I don't have many pictures on my camera but here is a before and after.

After. This is only about half the stuff we got. The rest is in the garage.

A few days ago i decided it was time to clean up Maizie's room and organize her closet. As I was organizing this is what i found. Cali thinks the crib is for her. Every time the door to M's room is open she will go in there and take a little nap in the crib.

Most days this is where you can find Kodi and Cali. They really do love each other. I realize Kodi's bed looks really dirty but it's just stained.