Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Last week was a bad week. Every day it was something. It started with a big batch of LOA's coming in...mine was not one of them. I don't really want to get into what happened the rest of the week. Yesterday our agency send out an email (actually they posted a message to their yahoo group) that they were closing. Not only are they closing but they want everything switched to a new agency by the end of the month! THE END OF THE MONTH!!! They had already made arrangements for another agency to take over. By the time i saw the email our agency was already closed for the day. I called the new agency today. They were very nice and helpful but couldn't tell me very much. Our old agency still had not sent over all the files but we seem to be in good hands. So I had Tracy call our old agency. They still don't know when we should get our LOA or why it is taking so long. LOA's seem to come in batches every 2 weeks or so. There was a big batch last Monday so we may not see our LOA until next week at the earliest. The switch in agency may also hold up our LOA but only for a few days (so they say). We've waited 119 days so far whats a few extra days right? right? The only thing that keeps me going is my sweet girls face. Ok I'm done with my pity party. Well for now anyway.


Christine @ 12,450miles said...

Ummmm... WHAT?!?!?! Oh my. I'm so sorry to hear this!! SOS is right!!!

I hope you are indulging in whatever you need (wine, ice cream, chocolate) to keep yourself sane.

I really hope things do a 180 for you - SOON!

Kelli said...

Oh, geez. I really hope this doens't delay things. You guys definitely deserve some kind of break here...