Thursday, June 3, 2010


Time seems to fly around here. It seems like yesterday we were on vacation and here we are more then 3 weeks later. I cant believe it is officially summer. We have been pretty busy lately but I really haven't taken many pictures. I think today was the first time in about a week I took my camera out. We have been having some slight sleeping issues. Maizie is trying to faze out her naps. Personally I don't know why anyone would want to faze out naps. I love taking naps. She is having a hard time understanding that Mommy needs some time to herself. I just keep telling myself that Maizie doesn't want to take a nap because she likes spending time with me. HA! Don't get me wrong I love spending time with Mai but it's nice to be able to shower with out someone trying to crawl in with me.

Anyway here are some left over photo's from our vacation.

I think I have mentioned before how much Maizie loves shoes. Here she is playing in the closet with Grandpa's shoes.

Trying on Grampa's shoes.

I think they are a little too big! hehe

Practicing her gymnastics on the bed.


Elizabeth Frick said...

First of all, I LOVE that dress of hers! So cute.
And is she seriously swinging from the top of that bed?! Yikes! But also hilarious. :)
Sorry about the naps - we had a nap strike for a couple of months. All I can say is stick to your guns. Keep up the routine, and make her be in that bed for a certain amount of time every day. Everyone needs their down time!

Kelli said...

That gymnastic picture is TOO funny! I don't understand the not wanting to nap thing either :). Aiden does that every now and then, but luckily not that often!

Christine @ 12,450miles said...

She's so stinkin' cute!! Love that she is hanging from the bed! And after meeting her, those shoe photos have a whole new meaning for me...

As you know, I feel your pain on the sleep front. Luckily, Spencer's nap strike has ended... I hope your house is experiencing the same thing. :-)

Time is slipping me by too... soon I hope to post our zoo photos!

Grandma Meg said...

That's our bed she's swinging on!!!She definitely has a talent but I know you only let go for the picture...

Anonymous said...

Gramma I was fairly close to her I was sitting on the floor waiting for the triple flip dismount. She is going to be the girl you tell she can't do something and she will do it just to prove you wrong. The personality she has is unbelievable. Only way for me to describe it is "firecracker". I find it hilarious when she wants to have jump practice on the bed and the rules are I can't sit on the bed have to stand right against it and I can only offer my thumbs for jump assistance. Anything else is unacceptable and results in a sour look of "no daddy not like that like this". Can't wait till she talks