Friday, December 4, 2009

1 year ago...

1 year ago we saw this face for the first time.

And today....

And why is Maizie so happy??? She is bouncing on Daddy's face!

You would think since it was our first Thanksgiving as a family we would have taken lots and lots of family pictures....well you would be wrong. After we put Maizie to bed I realized we didn't take our family pictures! oops. These are a few from Thankgiving.

Ever year Tracy and I get our tree Thanksgiving weekend. The first tree farm we went to had the most perfect trees I have ever seen. The only problem they were $120!!!! Some were even $160!!! Since we were not going to pay that much off we went. But not before stopping at their barn to see Santa and buy some wreaths (which here very resonably priced)
Then we were off to the second tree farm. It was Maizie's usual nap time so she looks a little sleepy in these pictures. We didn't buy a tree here either. We couldn't agree on one. So on to the third place. By then I was no longer toting my camera.

Maizie decided she had enough dinner tonight so instead of throwing it on the floor like usual she feed Kodi.

This is our first attempt at Christmas card pictures. The first 2 are probabily the best out of the 50 or so I took (hard to get good pictures with a hungry 2 year old).
Tracy was trying to get Maizie to blow a kiss by making the kissing noise.

Look at the cheesy smily on Tracy.

Maizie had enough.

Bottles cure everything.


Elizabeth Frick said...

What a difference a year makes, eh? I love Maizie's coat!!! How cute is that. And isn't it so fun to be sharing the holidays with your little cutie?!

Kelli said...

That second to the last picture cracks me up! Aren't the changes in a year amazing?!? Glad you had a great Thanksgiving. Christmas will be so fun this year!

Meg Ford aka Grandma said...

What a difference a year makes...can't imagine life without Maizie...looking forward to Christmas!

Christine @ 12,450miles said...

Like everyone else said... what a difference a year makes! Great series (all of them) of photos!!! Even the crying baby one. ;-)