Monday, December 14, 2009

Funny Girl

Maizie's personality has really started show. For the most part she is a happy girl. She laughs all the time... mostly at herself. She likes us to pick her up and carry her around the kitchen so she can open all the kitchen cabinets. She still loves her kitty and "meow's" at her whenever she sees her. But it doesn't really sound like meow. It's more like aaaaaaattsssssss. It's really cute. And I think Cali is warming up to Maizie. Tonight was the first night Cali has slept in Maizie's crib.

Maizie is a climber. She is our little monkey. A few weeks ago she figured out how to stand on the ottoman. Now she not only stands on it but likes to dive off it. Most of the time we are right there. She has only fallen a few times but ever time she falls she thinks its funny.

Maizie's eating has gotten a lot better. She still likes her yogurt but now eats solid foods too. Mealtime is still sometimes a struggle. But it's going much better. If you look closely you can see her chicken nuggets are all stacked on top of each other. She always puts her food in little piles.

And when she is eating something she is still unsure of she closes her eyes until she is sure she likes it. Sometimes she even puts her hands over her eyes.
She still loves her Kai Lan car and likes it when we push her in the kitchen.

She thinks it hysterical when she crashes into something...especially the bar because normally it's off limits.

OK I just realized in all of these pictures Maizie has on her PJ's. Most days we do dress her. But there are just some days that we don't get out of our jammies. Sunday was one of those days. And today was one of those days too. Tomorrow we actually have to get dressed though.


Elizabeth Frick said...

Mmm... I love pajama days! And it is *so* cute that she stacks her food so neatly! Tee hee.
And you KNOW I love the pic of her and Cali!!!

Christine @ 12,450miles said...

OK - that is too funny about her closing her eyes while deciding if she likes her food. And stacking?! Adorable!

I think our monkeys would have a ball together climbing and jumping!

Kelli said...

Pj days are the best- I can't wait to have at least one this winter break!