Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So one of my new years resolution was to blog once a week. It's week 2 and i am already a week behind. So I am going to try to blog twice this week.

A few weeks before Christmas Maizie wanted to play in her diaper box. She played in the box for about 20 minutes....

but once she was done...she was done.

And even though she has a room full of toys she would rather play with mommy's slippers.

Kodi has really been good with Maizie lately. Kodi loves to "nip". He does it to the cat, me, Tracy and now Maizie. It doesn't hurt at all (unless he nips at skin and then sometimes it pinches a little). Maizie LOVES it. She laughs and laughs. We make sure he only nips her clothing and not skin.

Here's a few from Christmas. Maizie really liked opening her gifts.


Elizabeth Frick said...

yay for Maizie pics!!! i LOVE the one when she's "all done" in the diaper box. too cute.
ah, the simple toys truly are the best :)

Christine @ 12,450miles said...

Maizie is so stinkin' cute!! I love the same one as Elizabeth... but I also love her in your slippers... she wants to be just like mama!