Sunday, January 24, 2010


A few weeks a go Maizie started giving us kisses. Now she is like a kissing bandit! She loves to pucker up and give us a big wet kiss.

Trying to kiss the camera.

Giving Daddy a bedtime kiss.

She also likes to kiss us through the stair rails. Although this one could just be her pouting because it's bed time.

She loves watching Kodi and looking for him when he's outside. She will stand there for a while just watching him.

Laughing at Mommy.

The other night Maizie went to bed at her normal time (7) but then was wide awake at 8:15 (which sometimes happens). It was the first night of American Idol and since she was wide awake and she loves music we got her up. She LOVED it. She was dancing and laughing. Here she was sitting on Tracy's arm bouncing up and down to the music...if you could call it that.

Maizie and her Daddy. The pictures of the two of them always come out so good.


Kelli said...

Love the kissy face- so cute!

Christine @ 12,450miles said...

Oh my gosh - her kiss face is SO cute!!!

(And you totally need to frame that photo of her with her daddy!)

Elizabeth Frick said...

LOVE the last shot!!! And all the kisses? How can you not love that???

Meg Ford said...

These pictures are awesome...

Anonymous said...

Jess- I really like being able to keep up with y'all on your blog. Bill O'Connor