Friday, April 23, 2010


After scouring all sorts of web-sites for used outdoor climbers for Maizie we (and by we I mean I) decided to just buy a new one. I am the type of person who likes to know what I am buying. I usually spend hours researching online to find just the right product. It took me about 6 months to finally decide what laptop to buy. So when it came time to buy a outdoor play thing for Maizie it was no different. I found one that I thought she would like and that she could use now and grow in to. Well after dragging Tracy and Maizie out to a few stores and then calling a bunch more I couldn't find what I wanted. I finally broke down and ordered from the dreaded Wal-Mart. I am a Target kind of girl so it really felt like I was betraying on an old friend. Even though getting the climber was surprisingly easy and it even came in a week early I am still a Target girl and always will be.

Helping Daddy.

She played on it for about 2 minutes and then wanted to play with the shovel I use to pick up Kodi droppings. But she is slowly warming up to it. She played on it for a while today.


Christine @ 12,450miles said...

That's an awesome climber!!!

Elizabeth Frick said...

Oooh, it IS awesome. It's funny, before I got to the part where you said she played on it for 2 min. before moving on, I thought to myself "that's totally the type of thing we would buy, Olive would play with the box forever, the thing for like 3 seconds, and then she'd be done and we'd kick ourselves." I can't wait to hear that she's playing with it more and more each day!!!

Kelli said...

My parent's dog is Kody...and Aiden is OBSESSED with the poop shovel. It's quite embarassing- every time he sees a shovel, doesn't matter where, he says, "Kody poop.". Nice!