Friday, April 23, 2010

Time out

This is how time out starts.

Then this.

and this.

Which results in this.

then this

and once again.....this

As you can see we are having some issues with time out. Maizie doesn't spend a whole lot of time in time out (although lately it's becoming more frequent). Any tips on how to keep her in time out? I'm open to any suggestions.


Elizabeth Frick said...

What did that sweet girl do wrong? ;)
With our time-outs, we go the Super Nanny route and make Olive sit on a step or in a chair. We set a timer for two minutes (one min. for each year of age), and we just completely ignore her unless she gets up and walks around. Before setting her down for time-out, we talk about why she's there. When she's done, we review what she did wrong, ask her to apologize, then give her a hug and kiss and tell her we love her, and move on as though nothing happened. Not sure if that helps...

Kelli said...

I try the steps too...Aiden does the exact same thing Maizie does. *sigh* Let me know if you find something that works!

Christine @ 12,450miles said...

Oh no! Luckily Spencer respects the time out and stays there until the timer dings... Unfortunately, it doesn't always stop the behavior!