Saturday, March 6, 2010

6 Months!!

Today marks 6 months since meeting Maizie! I cant believe it has been 6 months already yet on the other hand it's hard to believe that we have only known Maizie for 6 months. It feels like we have known her forever. I cant believe how much she has changed in 6 months.
I was looking back through all the other posts and I realized I never posted pictures from China! Here are a few from our trip.

Forbidden City.

Great Wall of China!!

Tracy and I at the top of the Great Wall. It was so sticky that day. The area of the Wall we went to was very steep! I am proud to say we made it to the top of that section of the wall. There were only about 4 other people (out of our group of about 30) that made it that far. My legs were jello for quite a while.

Our first night with Maizie. She looks so sad. She was such a little peanut. She still is a little peanut.

Big Wild Goose Pagoda.

Xi'an City Wall.

Terracotta warriors.

Shamian Island, Guangzhou. If you look closely you can see the Starbucks sign.

At Starbucks. Maizie is such a little lady.

White Swan Hotel (where we stayed) in Guangzhou.

The infamous red couch photo. We were all so sick. I thought we had the flu but the doctor said no. We all had high fevers, wasn't pretty. Thankfully it only lasted about 3-4 days.

Back in Beijing at the Summer Palace.

Beijing Zoo.

In the lounge at the Beijing airport waiting for our flight home! Even though she took a nap in the airport she still slept for 90% of our flight from Beijing to NY. It was great. We got to eat, drink, sleep and watch about 5 movies. The 45 minute flight to Boston was another story.


Christine @ 12,450miles said...

Happy 6 months!! I loved seeing all those photos... how much fun!

Elizabeth Frick said...

Yay! Happy 6 months. Thanks so much for sharing your China photos. Makes me itch to travel again soon.

Kelli said...

Happy 6 months as a family! Love looking back on your trip!

Grandma Ford said...

You will be so happy that you have this record of your trip to show Maizie when she is older.